Thank you for browsing in our store. If you decide to purchase, we appreciate your business and will do everything in our power to make you happy.
We have 100% feedback and strive very hard to keep it.
We guarantee all of our products to be 100% authentic, we do not sell any replicas or fakes. If for any reason you are not happy and cannot leave us 5 star positive feedback, please contact us before leaving negative feedback and we will do our best to work it out to make you happy. Any questions, don’t hesitate to e-mail us.
Payment must be received within 4 days of placing your order. If you cannot pay within that time frame, please let us know. We only accept Paypal as a method of payment.
We are happy to combine shipping, please let us know before you complete your purchase, we can then a combined invoice for you to pay from. If you want a quote, please e-mail us with the items you are interested in, with your zip code, and we can give you a price.
Your purchase will be shipped within 1-2 business days after your order has been placed and paid for. If you need it sooner, please let us know. Delivery time is an estimate.